Julian Casablancas and the Voidz release 3 part video series, announce new album

When I saw Strokes frontman Julian Casablancas in April at Coachella, it was with a new band. Now, they’re set to release a record together in September, and today they released an album announcement on youtube. The video is the third in a series of videos that give a glimpse into who the Voidz are and what the project is all about.

In the third video, “The Interview,” Casablancas and guitarist Jeramy “Beardo” Gritter drive around in what appears to be a mid-80′s muscle car with T-Tops and talk about the origin of the band and their approach to making music.

“I could tell Julian, he wanted you to have the ability to be able to play technical stuff, but also be able to thrash on three chords,” Gritter says.

The videos also mention that the new album, entitled Tyranny, will be released on September 23, 2014 on Cult Records, Casablancas’ label. The album is available for pre-order now for only $3.87.

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